Don’t let Dyslexia hold you back!
Please don’t worry, we completely understand your concerns.
Whether you have Dyslexia or just need a little help with your reading, we are here to support you and to take the fear out of sitting your written exams.
When booking your course, just ask one of our team for any assistance that you feel you may require.
Tell us what you need from us.
You can choose to bring your own non-technical reader to your written exams or one of our team will be more than happy to be your non-technical reader for the day.
Our team member can assist you with your spelling too, if needed.
You will sit together with your reader in a separate room away from everyone else.
If it helps, we have coloured overlays and coloured reading rulers.
Our commitment to you.
Is to give you our assurance that we can cater for your needs and with our help, you will overcome any worries that you may have, along with the ability to complete your course with confidence.